How to organize my notes to pass exams?: Infallible tips

How many times has it happened to us that we end up spending more time organizing the notes of a subject than studying it? and all to end up failing because he didn’t give us the time to study everything. It has happened to all of us, so we invite you to learn how to organize your notes in a more efficient way so that you get the results you want.

Separate notes by subject

It sounds like something obvious but on many occasions we only have one notebook or block of sheets for all the subjects and when we start studying it takes us a long time to separate everything and many times we even lose part of the notes.

Try to divide them, you can use a cover, colored sheets or even simple markers. It does not need to be something very elaborate, the important thing is that it helps you to divide the subjects.


In the event that you have many photocopies, you can punch them and place them in a folder with the name of the subject, so every time you buy new photocopies, you will place them there and when you study, everything will be in one place.

Pay attention to what the teacher highlights
During the classes, as the teachers explain, they always highlight the things that we should know and that will surely be in the exams. Teachers often give signals such as “pay attention to this…”, “this is very important…”, “something you should know is…”, among many other phrases.

Normally, they also tend to highlight on the slides, for example, the most important definitions, keep them in mind. You can make a list with the things that you notice that the teacher points out more imperatively, so when studying you know which are the topics with which you should start.


Complete your notes

Even if you have not missed a class, it is important that you review the notes you made at least once a week and complete them with the bibliography you have.

This will help you create valuable notes that will help you when studying and as you complete them you will also review everything and you will be able to take into account the things that you understand well and which you should do another reading or search for.


Add images

It is not very common for notes or photocopies to have many images and even less in color, so if you are a person who needs visual aids, you can add images that help you remember what the given topics are about or a particular concept. .

In that sense, there are many visual mnemonic rules that will help you memorize the items that you must remember yes or yes.

It can be tedious at times, but organization and planning in university life is the key to achieving your goals and objectives. For this you must consider daily actions that will lead you to meet these objectives.

An example would be organizing your day the night before, knowing what things you have to do and how much time you have left to study, what you are going to prioritize and also how many days or weeks you have left before your exam.

You may not have all the dates in advance, but they are usually always in the same months and fortnights, so be guided by the exams that you have already had in previous years. If you are just starting out, the professors will notify you in advance, since this consideration is usually taken into account in the first year of the degree, since it is a new stage for many students.


Create a study calendar

Whether by hand or digitally, make sure you write down the things you have to do on a calendar, for example you can divide the topics you have to study per day, so you will be calmer because you will know that you have enough time and you can concentrate fully on what you are studying today.

You must analyze very well what are the schedules of classes and other activities that you have and determine what are going to be the schedules in which you are going to dedicate yourself to study. Not every day you will have the same time and less if you do activities apart from the university or institute.

If it helps, in Google you have the Google calendar where you can make notes, mark the different activities with colors, so you can know which things are more important and give them priority in your day. Although it is also highly recommended to be able to do it by hand so that you can see it during the day without having to access the internet, you can try both and see which one is more comfortable for you.


Identify your best time of day

What does this mean? There are people who have a higher level of concentration during the mornings and afternoons and there are others who can study better at night and early in the morning.

Know what your optimal schedule is and leave for those hours the heaviest or most intense subjects that you must study. This does not mean that if you concentrate better in the morning, you should study 6 hours straight, but rather that you should study in the morning but with short periods.



What if I have several subjects to study?

Many times we find ourselves in the situation of having to study several subjects at the same time and without realizing it, hours go by and you could only give time to one subject, you should not let this happen.

Assign a certain time for each one, it is guaranteed that it will cost you more but if you do not divide the times you have, you will end up studying only one and the others will be left out, which is sure to be harmful at that time and later as well.

As we mentioned before, the key is organization and planning, as long as you organize yourself and comply with everything you set for yourself, you will achieve your goals.


Every university student has had to adapt to the changes that the university poses, you may have few subjects but not little material, take into account the moments of rest, remember that you must also take care of your physical and mental health. Many times we are unmotivated but trust yourself, you are capable of achieving everything you set out to do.

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